Carroll County Election Commission
625 High Street, Suite 113
Huntingdon, TN 38344
Ron Reiter
Chairman (R)
Linda Wallace
Commissioner (R)
Michael Corrado
Secretary (D)
Michael K. Tate
Commissioner (D)
The Election Commission conducts all municipal, state, and federal elections within Carroll County, TN. The Election Commission ensures that elections are properly managed and conducted in accordance with municipal, state and federal laws. The Election Commission also handles the registration of voters, proper maintenance of voters’ status as well as manages the voter and election officials database of Carroll County.
The Division of Elections is headed by the Coordinator of Elections, Mark Goins, who oversees the election process in the State of Tennessee. The Coordinator of Elections works directly with ninety-five (95) local county election commissions, candidates and the public on election related issues. The county election commissions are appointed by the State Election Commission. There are ninety-five (95) county election commission offices throughout the State.
Secretary of State – Division of Elections
Mark Goins, Coordinator of Elections
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue
Snodgrass Tower, 7th Floor
Nashville, TN 37243
[email protected]
Carroll County Election Administration
625 High Street, Suite 113
Huntingdon, TN 38344
Peg Hamlett,
Administrator of Elections
Jennifer Hilliard,
Deputy Administrator